Well, at least around here it is. I realize that different birds like different places at different times of the year. Around here, raptors like winter. Going down the road yesterday looking for something to photograph, I spotted a BIG bird sitting on a utility pole. It looked too big to be a hawk, but it didn’t have a white head and tail, so I knew it wasn’t a bald eagle. After coming to a stop and looking at it through the zoom lens, I realized it was a golden eagle. What a treat! I don’t recall seeing more than a couple of them in the past few years. It seemed very unafraid of me as I walked closer to the pole it was perched on. I expected it to take off any second, but it just sat there and looked at me. I even had a fleeting moment of fear that it might decide to take me on for getting in it’s space. But, I guess it figured I wasn’t much of a threat since I am only 5’7″ and it was about twenty feet in the air. Now I’m itching to go out to the Klamath Basin wildlife refuge and do this all day!