It’s raptor season!

Well, at least around here it is. I realize that different birds like different places at different times of the year. Around here, raptors like winter. Going down the road yesterday looking for something to photograph, I spotted a BIG bird sitting on a utility pole. It looked too big to be a hawk, but it didn’t have a white head and tail, so I knew it wasn’t a bald eagle. After coming to a stop and looking at it through the zoom lens, I realized it was a golden eagle. What a treat! I don’t recall seeing more than a couple of them in the past few years. It seemed very unafraid of me as I walked closer to the pole it was perched on. I expected it to take off any second, but it just sat there and looked at me. I even had a fleeting moment of fear that it might decide to take me on for getting in it’s space. But, I guess it figured I wasn’t much of a threat since I am only 5’7″ and it was about twenty feet in the air. Now I’m itching to go out to the Klamath Basin wildlife refuge and do this all day!

Golden Eagle, raptor, wildlife, bird

Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle, raptor, wildlife, bird

Golden Eagle Profile


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Golden Eagle, raptor, wildlife, bird
Golden Eagle, raptor, wildlife, bird