Ok, so really it’s a wildlife refuge. The Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge to be exact. Most people go out there this time of year to see the bald eagles. And it’s not surprising when you consider there are more bald eagles at this refuge than anywhere in the United States, except Alaska. I admit, I go out there to see and photograph bald eagles as well, but there is much more to this place than just bald eagles. On a recent visit I saw literally hundreds of hawks, a couple of coyotes, and even a great egret, which according to the species list put out by the refuge, is uncommon, at least in winter. I also saw several bald eagles. There is a stand of large cottonwood trees along the auto tour route where you can pretty much count on seeing eagles. However, these big trees are very bushy, even without their leaves, so it’s difficult to get a clear, unobstructed photograph. For that, you must venture out into the marshes and agricultural areas, where the eagles like to perch on fence posts and utility poles while they hunt for rodents and waterfowl.
It’s been very cold so far this year, leaving most of the marshes and lakes frozen solid. I saw these coyotes out looking for something to eat on the frozen lake.
In all my visits to this wildlife refuge, this was the first time I have ever seen a great egret. What a beautiful bird!
This red tail hawk was keeping an eye on me when I stopped at one of the parking areas to get out of the car and stretch my legs.