Bird Fest 2015

Bird Fest 2015

I’m always amazed at how the universe conspires to put me right where I should be, right when I should be there. I’m slowly making my way to the desert southwest to visit and revisit some places I really want to photograph. However, I don’t want to show up while it’s still winter, and I don’t like to drive long distances without some “stay put” time, so my journey is slow-paced. This is not a problem for me, and it’s actually perfect in many ways. So, what to see and photograph while passing through central California? Well, wildlife, of course! Not only is central California one of the most productive agricultural regions in the country, it’s also home to an amazing variety of birds and other wildlife.

Great Horned Owl; Bubo virginianus; bird of prey; nocturnal; camouflage; eyes; stare; bird; large; tree; perch; wise; wind; and; the; over; with; under; above; against; in the; on the; at the; Loree Johnson

Great Horned Owl

It seems the first three months of my travels were dedicated to getting better at landscape photography, and the last two months have been an opportunity to hone my wildlife photography skills. I didn’t intentionally set out to balance things so well, it seemed to just work out that way.

Prepare for Takeoff; american bald eagle; Haliaeetus leucocephalus; raptor; bird of prey; wild; wildlife; sacramento NWR; national wildlife refuge; california; glenn county ca; bird; wings; blue sky; and; the; over; with; under; above; against; in the; on the; at the; Loree Johnson

Prepare for Takeoff

And the opportunities have been amazing! I had the good fortune to experience a rookery up close.

Dancing in the Air; great blue heron; Ardea herodias; rookery; heronry; nesting; breeding; fly; flight; wading bird; wild; wildlife; California; butte county ca; gray lodge wildlife area; bird; and; the; over; with; under; above; against; in the; on the; at the; Loree Johnson

Dancing in the Air

Spotted a rare leucistic bald eagle.

Caramel Eagle; Haliaeetus leucocephalus; rare; leucistic; leucism; pale; albino; light; unique; pigment; bird; bird of prey; bald eagle; juvenile; perch; gold; golden; sacramento national wildlife refuge; sacramento NWR; california; Willows ca; glenn county ca; and; the; over; with; under; above; against; in the; on the; at the; Loree Johnson

Caramel Eagle

And more herons and egrets than I have seen in my entire life!

Todays Special - Crayfish; catching; hunting; great egret; ardea alba; crawfish; crawdad; mudbug; wading bird; white heron; prey; wild; wildlife; water; pond; wetlands; Colusa NWR; national wildlife refuge; colusa county ca; california; hunt; eat; reflect; reflection; and; the; over; with; under; above; against; in the; on the; at the; Loree Johnson

Todays Special – Crayfish

And then there are the hawks. Oh, the hawks!

Red-Tailed Launch; Buteo jamaicensis; red-tailed hawk; red tail; hunt; prey; fly; flight; bird of prey; dark morph; tree; and; the; over; with; under; above; against; in the; on the; at the; Loree Johnson

Red-Tailed Launch

When I got here, I planned to stay only a week or two. Long enough to take care of some business and maybe visit a couple of wildlife refuges. The rent per week here adds up to more for a two week stay than the rent per month. So, being thrifty (i.e. cheap), I opted for a month, thinking I could leave after two weeks and still get the cheaper rate. Now, I don’t want to leave so soon! So, it all just fell into place beautifully and I have two extra weeks to enjoy Bird Fest 2015, my own little celebration of the birds of California.

Ibis at Sunset; white-faced ibis; Plegadis chihi; white faced; wading bird; wings spread; Colusa NWR; national wildlife refuge; colusa county ca; california; wild; wildlife; bird; marsh; hunting; fishing; and; the; over; with; under; above; against; in the; on the; at the; Loree Johnson

Ibis at Sunset

Once again, thanks for coming along!



It’s Spring and Love is in the Air!

It’s Spring and Love is in the Air!

At least in the animal kingdom it is! I can’t help thinking about the scene in the Disney classic Bambi when all the animals are “twitterpated.” I wonder if that’s where the founders of twitter got the idea for their name? The male birds are showing off and the females are playing hard to get.

sandhill crane mating dance; sandhill crane courtship; bird; fly; flying; spring; Grus canadensis; male; female; pair; jump; splash; dance; flap; marsh; wing; wings; wingspan; song; call; wild; wildlife; beauty; grace; in; and; the; a; on; over; to; of; with; under; above; Loree Johnson

Show Off

Nests are being built and readied to hold eggs…some probably already have eggs in them.

sandhill crane mating dance; sandhill crane courtship; bird; fly; flying; spring; Grus canadensis; male; female; pair; jump; splash; dance; flap; marsh; wing; wings; wingspan; song; call; wild; wildlife; beauty; grace; in; and; the; a; on; over; to; of; with; under; above; Loree Johnson

The Heronry and Mount Shasta

All over, animals are pairing up, working together, and soon there will be babies everywhere!

animals; bald; bird; eagle; eggs; feather; female; flapping; guarding; male; nest; parents; predator; protecting; raptor; roost; soar; woodland; american; rare; fly; mate; pair

Off to Work

Some animals have already had their babies.

wild mare and foal; horse; horses; colt; baby; mother; mom; child; wildlife; feral; mustang; mustangs; sanctuary; mud; hay; spring; newborn; pinto; paint; in; and; the; a; on; over; to; of; with; under; above; family; mom; Shingletown; California; ca; Loree Johnson

Family Resemblance

Spring is the time for birth, renewal, and of course, flowers!

bee; honey; honeybee; busy; rosemary; pollinate; pollinates; pollen; closeup; macro; insect; insects; bees; in; and; the; a; on; over; to; of; with; under; above; nature; natural; Loree Johnson

Bee on Rosemary

So, if it’s spring where you live, rejoice and get outside to enjoy mother nature coming alive again after winter’s slumber. And if spring hasn’t quite arrived for you yet, take heart in the knowledge that it’s right around the corner!





So far, this winter is for the birds!

So far, this winter is for the birds!

Just a little play on the expression. Curious as to how this idiom came to be, I looked it up. As it turns out, it is based on the idea that birds eat seed, and seed isn’t worth much. Therefore the saying “for the birds” means worthless or without value. However, in my case, I’ve been finding a lot of value in our feathered friends. In fact, I would go so far as to say, birds are my muse at the moment.

American Kestrel; ready to fly; Falco sparverius; sparrow hawk; perched; wing; wings; raptor; falcon; pretty; cute; small; little; predator; sun; blue sky; branch; perch; colorful; male; bird; wildlife; wild; hunt; hunting; feather; feathers; beauty; beautiful; nature; natural; Loree Johnson

American Kestrel Ready to Fly

The weather has been dry, dry, dry and they say we are in for a serious drought this summer. There is less snow on Mount Shasta now (in January) than there was in September. With all this bad news, it’s easy to get depressed and lose inspiration. I love to shoot landscapes, but without snow–or even clouds–the landscapes are a bit lackluster. But, instead of taking a break from photography, I’ve changed subject matter. The best thing about it is, all this persistence and practice has started to pay off in terms of better bird images. Also in learning more about behavior and habits so that I can be in the right place at the right time.

american icon; Haliaeetus leucocephalus; bald eagle; raptor; bird; fierce; talon; talons; wing; wings; feather; feathers; in flight; fly; flying; rain; drizzle; overcast; winter; wild; wildlife; nature; natural; tail; predator; wingspan; underneath; under; Loree Johnson

Bald Eagle in Flight

While I still miss a lot of shots, my reflexes are improving so that I catch some action that I would have missed in the past.

great blue heron; in flight; water; lake; trout lake; shasta valley wildlife area; california; ca; northern; bird; fly; flying; glide; wing; wings; wingspan; blue; wild; wildlife; nature; natural; Loree Johnson

Great Blue

So I suppose while I wait for some much needed precipitation, I will continue to stalk and photograph my new feathered friends. Meanwhile, even the ducks are praying for rain!

mallard yoga; mallard landing; hen; duck; fly; flight; land; water; reflect; reflection; ice; icy; wing; wings; feather; feathers; waterfowl; fowl; lake; Anas platyrhynchos; bird; nature; natural; wild; wildlife; Loree Johnson

Mallard Yoga




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