Often times, I find that my best images come out of an intention to shoot something else entirely. Tuesday was one of those days. For nearly a year now, I have envisioned a shot of Mount Shasta at sunset, reflected in Lake Siskiyou, with the full moon rising over the mountain. I have decided on the location, but the shot I envision requires all the elements to come together at the right time and place. There is only one day each month when the moonrise coincides with the sunset. On top of that, there are only two or three months out of the year when the position of the rising moon makes it possible to capture it in the same frame with the mountain and the lake. What that amounts to, is only 2 or 3 days per year when the shot I envision is possible. Add to that, the uncertainty of the weather in this area and it may be a long time before I actually get that shot I dream about.
This past Tuesday, all the elements were in place, so I tried again. But, there was a big storm heading in from the Pacific and the moon was not to be seen for the clouds. Then again, maybe Mother Nature knows better than I do what makes a beautiful image. So I let go of my intentions and instead, gratefully accepted what I was offered. And now I am not even a little bit disappointed that the moon did not make an appearance. That doesn’t mean I won’t keep trying for the shot I dream about, though…..